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How To Build Up And Stand Out By Delighting Your Construction Clients

Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, May 17, 2024

Most businesses understand that customer satisfaction is crucial to their success. Happy clients are likelier to remain loyal, refer others, and leave positive reviews. This trend has only been amplified by social media and online review sites, where negative feedback can spread quickly and damage a company's reputation.

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, more than an effective customer service system is needed: you must provide customers with a positive and memorable end-to-end experience at every touchpoint. Creating powerful experiences that exceed consumer expectations can have massive implications for any business — from increasing brand loyalty and trustworthiness among current clients to being highly attractive to potential customers. 

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Topics: Give Your Customers And Clients What They Want, High Profit Repeat Construction Clients, Contractor Guidance, Building a Construction Business

The Rundown To Running Your Own Construction Business

Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Jul 28, 2023

Getting your construction business up and running and making a profit is usually much more complicated than it sounds. So let's focus on honing the skills you'll need to make it happen by acquiring these yourself or consulting professionals to help you.

What it means to be your own boss

Being your own boss might sound like it is the ultimate ticket to freedom and financial success – and it can be. But don't be fooled into thinking you'll be able to put in a few hours each morning and spend the afternoons networking over a round of golf. The reality is that most businesses require much hard work – more than your standard 9–5 job and over some years – before they start to make a reasonable profit, and many new construction businesses fold before they reach that point.
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Topics: Success In Owning A Construction Business, Contractor Tips, Building a Construction Business, Construction Employee

A Guide To Building A Solid Construction Company Marketing Plan

Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Jun 23, 2023

As a contractor, having a solid business plan is essential for growing your company and attracting new clients. If you're serious about getting the best value you can for your marketing budget, you'll need to develop a marketing plan.

One of the first steps is to identify your target audience. Who are your ideal clients? What are their needs and pain points? Once you understand your target audience, you can develop a marketing strategy that speaks directly to them.

Building a solid construction company marketing plan is essential for any business owner looking to grow their company. With the right strategy, you can increase your brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately boost your revenue.

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Topics: Success In Owning A Construction Business, Leadership Styles, Contractor Tips, Building a Construction Business

Becoming A Better Construction Company Owner By Developing Courage

Posted by Sharie DeHart on Fri, Jun 02, 2023

Fear is a natural, emotional response to distress. The evolution of humanity was dependent upon feeling and responding to fear. Unfortunately, for some of us, fear is a stumbling block to unlocking our full potential and becoming great leaders. 

Fear can have a significant impact on business activities. If a business owner is afraid of taking risks or making decisions based on past negative experiences, it can hinder their success. It's important to remember that fear is often based on False Evidence Appearing Real or F.E.A.R. It's crucial to approach business decisions objectively and not let fear cloud judgment. By recognizing and addressing fear, business owners can make informed decisions that lead to success.

The good news is that courage is like a muscle, and when you exercise courage, it often becomes more robust and more natural. Here are a handful of ways to overcome fear, find courage and become a better construction company owner.

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Topics: Success In Owning A Construction Business, Leadership Styles, Contractor Tips, Building a Construction Business

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