Construction Company Bookkeeping For Contractors All Across The USA Including Alaska And Hawaii

QuickBooks Cleanup For Contractors Can Reduce Taxes And Fees!

Written by Randal DeHart | Wed, Jan 16, 2013

Income Tax Preparers - Earn money filling out tax forms, not doing QuickBooks cleanup for construction! Most of them do not know how to use QuickBooks for contractors let alone perform a proper QuickBooks cleanup for construction. They may suspect you are paying too much in taxes if your QuickBooks for Contractors is a mess.

Income Tax Preparers Are Paid To Fill Out Tax Forms!

They Are Not Paid To Reduce Your Taxes!

Some Of Them - Will say something about how much easier it would be for them if your construction bookkeeping was in order and all the entries were in the right accounts where they belong.

The Problem Is You Just Spent - A twelve hour day working on a loud, dirty, dangerous construction site arguing with employees, suppliers, trade contractors and attempting to get your change order signed and now you show up to get your annual tax return filled out and what do you see?

A Tax Preparer Sitting - in a comfy chair, in their warm dry office with easy access to a kitchenette, restroom, good lighting, coffee and snacks banging away on a keyboard getting a blister on his thumb asking you to make his or her life easier!

All You Heard Was - Blah, Blah, Blah why don't you spend some of your valuable free time or pay somebody to cleanup QuickBooks for contractors because that would make my life easier and that is when you remember reading this webpage.

Most Income Tax Preparers - Are good people but they are not detectives and they learn real quick there is more money to be made by doing ten tax returns where their clients may have overpaid the taxes than there is in helping one client tuneup a QuickBooks for contractors file.

Income Tax Preparers Are Paid To Fill Out Tax Forms!

They Are Not Paid To Reduce Your Taxes!

We Hear From - A lot from income tax preparers how if their construction company clients would come to us and get a proper QuickBooks cleanup for construction in most cases they could save enough in taxes to pay for our services and keep hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars in their pocket!

We Do Not Prepare - Annual income tax returns because we believe you are better served with a "Trust But Verify" approach to running your construction company with a Board of Advisors; each one a specialist in their profession. We can assist you with setting this up.

We Focus - What we do best which is construction bookkeeping and accounting and business process development (BPM) for small niche construction companies like yours. So the income tax preparers understand we are not competition, instead we are their best friend and we are there to help and support them and you our construction client.

Our Construction Bookkeeping System - Is designed to save you money on taxes because our QuickBooks setup for construction is designed for contractors and construction companies just like yours.Our QuickBooks Setup For Construction Is Not - The one-size fits all QuickBooks setup for construction you see inside your QuickBooks for Contractors software. Our QuickBooks setup for construction has everything in place for keeping track of Job Deposits, Change Orders, Work-In-Progress (W.I.P.), Retention, Field Employee Meals, Payment Applications, Direct and Indirect Construction Costs and more. We have what your tax preparer needs to help them reduce your annual tax burden.

Most Income Tax Preparers - Love our work and will tell us privately and in confidence how much they appreciate when they prepare a return for a client that we are doing the construction bookkeeping on a regular basis because they understand the value of proper QuickBooks Setup for construction, QuickBooks Cleanup for construction and QuickBooks Tuneup for construction.

The Really Great Part - Is that we can send a copy of the QuickBooks file to your income tax preparer, with your permission, and when the tax return is finished they send us the adjusting Journal Entries and we put them into your QuickBooks for contractors file. The entire process is handled without you having to do anything. Your QuickBooks cleanup for contractors is done before sending it to your tax preparer which saves you time, money, energy and aggravation.

With The Time And Money - You saved you can start putting together a Business Strategy for your construction company so that you can begin working on your business instead of in your business.

 Income Tax Preparers Are Paid To Fill Out Tax Forms!

They Are Not Paid To Reduce Your Taxes!

Profitable Construction - Companies have known about the value of outsourced bookkeeping services for a long time and now you know about it too!

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QuickBooks Expert Specializing In Construction Bookkeeping Services





About The Author:

Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor and QuickBooks For Contractors Expert. This combination of experience and skillsets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit to learn more.