Construction Company Bookkeeping For Contractors All Across The USA Including Alaska And Hawaii

Southernstar Consultants LLC For Construction Company Owners

Written by Randal DeHart | Thu, Sep 20, 2012


As you know our primary focus is on working with micro and small contractor with annual sales volumes between startup of $0 to $5m to help you achieve your definition of success.

One Of The Processes In Our System Is "Be-Do-Have"

  • Be the market leader in your market niche

  • Do whatever it takes to reach your full potential

  • Have lots of money since we sincerely believe you deserve to be wealthy because you bring value to other people's lives.

By supporting our larger construction company owner friends and doing our part to help them achieve their definition of success is part of the system because often times they hire micro and small contractors to help them fulfill part of their construction contracts. As the saying goes "The Rising Tide Raises All Ships, Big And Small".

If you or anyone you know has a seminar, event or meeting that you feel may be useful to the construction industry please contact us 206-361-3950 or There is no cost for these promotions; all we ask is that you provide value to the construction industry and everyone who serves it.

Recently we found a construction consulting firm that we feel offers some real value to the larger players in the construction industry and we asked them for permission to share their upcoming seminar with you and they agreed. Here is a brief outline of their company and their upcoming seminar they provided to us:

Southernstar Consultants LLC specializes in providing professional services to companies engaged in the US and international construction business, and construction related businesses like material suppliers, fabricators and field services providers.

Primary services provided are as follows:

  • Two day courses in understanding and negotiating a wide range of commercial terms and conditions typically found in private sector construction contracts.

  • Full and half day seminars on very high risk commercial terms and conditions typically found in private sector construction contracts.

  • Assistance with negotiating fair and balanced commercial terms and conditions for private sector construction projects and construction related projects.

  • Assistance with doing business in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Burma (Myanmar).

Kit Werremeyer is the Owner and President of Southernstar Consultants, LLC.  He has over 40 years of US and international experience with major projects in the oil, gas, refining, chemical, petrochemical, energy and water markets.

Mr. Werremeyer is the author of the successful construction book:  “Understanding and Negotiating Construction Contracts” available at, John Wiley & Sons, RS Means, and other professional book seller sites. Click on the book below to purchase at

The two day course “Understanding and Negotiating Construction Contracts” will be held on a public basis on November 15 and 16, 2012 in Tampa, Florida at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel.  This course is limited to the first 20 registrations.  The small class size provides all attendees with the opportunity to fully engage with discussions on risky commercial terms and conditions.  Click on the buttons below to download the detailed course outline and registration form.                        

Telephone: 813-653-3090


QuickBooks Expert Specializing In Construction Bookkeeping Services


About The Author:

Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor and QuickBooks For Contractors Expert. This combination of experience and skillsets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit to learn more.